General Questions
How does Mariyasadanam raise its funds?
Mariyasadanam would not be able to run successfully without the active support of various individuals in its work. In fact, the majority of our core funding comes from donations from individuals through our Monthly Membership Scheme and one-off donations. Our food costs are also covered by donations from individuals through our fundraising schemes such as Meals on Time Initiative and Special Occasion Scheme. In addition, we supplement our funds by maintaining active partnerships with associations with few corporates, clubs and associations.
What can I donate to Mariyasadanam?
In addition to financial donations, we accept clothes, provisions, toiletries, medicines, furniture, household items, equipment, and many other useful items.
How can I make a donation to Mariyasadanam?
Please refer to Donate link for our fundraising schemes.
How long do the residents normally stay at Mariyasadanam?
The average resident stays at Mariyasadanam for 6-12 months, depending upon his/her progress and relocation prospects.
Other Questions
How do residents react to acute symptoms in other residents?
The residents have been placed in different dorms in order to prevent disturbances, i.e. a new resident would be placed in Dorm 4 together with other recent arrivals, who will also be in a severe state, and will then progress upwards to Dorm 3, 2, and finally move to Dorm 1, as his/her psychiatric status improves. The dorm system also psycho-educates the residents, sensitising them to facing mental illness in themselves and others.
How do residents react to acute symptoms in other residents?
Please refer to relocation failure
What is the procedure if a resident passes away?
If possible, we inform the family at the first instance. If we are unable to locate the family, we perform the last rites and the burial.
What percentage of the residents is successfully rehabilitated and relocated?
It is difficult to give an exact estimation, as each individual case is different. Out of around 2600 residents, we have successfully rehabilitated 1200. The rest have been either referred to other organisations or relocated to the Long-Stay Home or the Group Home.
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